National Non-Profit Day: Kali2Kali

August 17th,

Happy Non Profit Day!

As you know, this past July we traveled to Rwanda with the Team, to further develop our relationship with the communities of Kigali, and through this trip we learned how to better help the schools and communities we were working with. To fulfill the promise of coming back and providing sustainable solutions to drive the local economy. We had worked with an NGO, called ANA RWANDA, to provide communities with sustainable healthcare and infrastructural solutions that will last years on end. We wanted to give a shout out to GRACECARES, our partner, we truly appreciate you!

We would like to thank you for your loyal support and gracious contributions to our mission at Kali to Kali. Every day we see friends both new and old giving donations, offering to help in our efforts, and sharing awareness of those less fortunate around the world with their friends, and nothing makes us feel more grateful than that!

In spite of tragic events that unfold around the world every day, hearing your support and seeing the strides you make to help others is so inspiring. Please join us in celebrating the good in people and to continue helping others!

-Team K2K


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